Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Heart Day 2013

Gigi, Poppy, Maddox, and Adlyr enjoy Valentine's Day.
Gigi sharing her love of cooking with Adlyr and Mad

Adlyr and her first Valentine love, her daddy.

 Valentine's Day is always approached with caution. Though it is a fun day at school, it is such a "Hallmark Holiday" that I have a difficult time loving it. Neither Micah nor I have ever over-embraced this day, so it is hard for me to be excited about it. But, with Adlyr being three years old, I feel that it is important to begin to make a big deal out of holidays for her as my mom did for Courtenay and me.
The Crane's Valentine's Card was super cute!

Valentines from the McDowell kids: Lila and Nolan 
These are cards from Gigi and Poppy.

Adlyr's decorated Valentine's cards.
The candy that Adlyr chose to accompany her cards.
Adlyr and I decorated Valentine's cards for her friends at school (Ms. Lisa's house!). Additionally, she chose  candy to accompany the cards. She was super excited to distribute them (we made them on Sunday and everyday until Thursday she asked when she could give them to her friends!).

The day arrived and Adlyr went to school with Valentine's Cards in hand! I, however, did not enjoy the day as I thought that I would (at work). Instead, I enjoyed the day loving on my baby, Maddox. He stayed home from school that day because he was sick, so he and I enjoyed a day of loving each other, Chick- Fil- A (with Ms. Stacey and Gage), and napping, With him teething, the nights have been exceptionally long, so this day was a much needed break.
Mad is ready to move.
He has the right idea.

But, the execution isn't successful...yet.

That night, mom and Ron joined us at our house for pizza making, puppy distributing (Ron chose puppy stuffed animals for both kids!), and love.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

T'was the night before Valentine's Day

Adlyr, Mad, Becca, and Ans hang out before going to bed.

Whitey- tighties girls unite!
Ansleigh and Maddox after a long Wednesday at "school"

Hmm, I don't think that she knows that I am watching her. Or does she?!

I am always grateful for our friends, especially the Crane Family. Lance, Tara, Becca, and Ansleigh bring smiles to my face frequently, especially when they come to the house to play. Tonight, the best play date occurred: Each family member had one! Dinner was served, play occurred, baths were taken, and friendships deepened. Thanks for coming to our house for my favorite sort of nights: impromptu ones! 
That's right, Mad. You need to learn to crawl to keep up with Ans!
Let's play play house, ok?!

Monday, February 11, 2013

February Photo Shoot

One afternoon, Adlyr insisted that we play bubbles! So, Mad and I joined her (daddy was inside working on the taxes!) for a bubbles photo shoot! Maddox loves to be outside, especially with his newly developed abdominal muscles which allow for him to sit up! In just a week or so, he went from not sitting up to sitting up almost independently! He just loves the freedom that he has found in his seventh month of life!

 Adlyr, in her third year of life, has developed a sense of independence more than I ever thought that she would develop this early on. She is eager to help Maddox, and she is still willing to share (though, we are beginning to see that change!).

 Maddox is absolutely enthralled with Adlyr.

 Max has developed a fondness for the kids. In his seven years of life, he has learned that he has to blend in with them, or he will stand out like a black dog:)

He was eager for Ashley to pick him up!

Maddox lit up when he saw Ashley Keller.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

February's Spring- Like Weather

After picking up Adlyr and Maddox from "school", I quickly headed home to prepare them for a Mol Photo Shoot. This required diaper changes, clothes changes, and prop preparation. Talking Adlyr into allowing Maddox to use anything that is "hers" is not an easy task, but she finally agreed to let him use the wheelbarrow. After telling her that if she wanted to be in the pictures ("No, I do not want to take pictures!") that she would need to change clothes, we marched outside to our backyard (yes, I LOVE our backyard!). Of course after taking Mad's pictures, she insisted that she be in the pictures (in her school clothes- gasp!). Together, they look cuter than alone, so I couldn't say, "No!" I love these kids!
Adlyr adores her brother, Maddox.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday, Adlyr!

We began celebrating Adlyr's birthday the week prior to her birthday (January 13th) by eating cupcakes (yes, this mom loves a good cupcake!).Then, to celebrate her actual birthday, we celebrated by having friends and family over (The Crane Family, the Keller Family, the Scott Family, and the Tims Family). Adlyr received too many presents, had too much fun, and then played in the basement with her favorite presents, the scooter and the "mama" baby! 

Her birthday party, with her "friends", was hosted at Chick- Fil- A this year. We debated hosting a big party, but Micah and I decided against it, deciding that she truly would be happy with a simple birthday celebration at Chick Fil A with some of her friends. We invited friends based upon who she requested. So, if a person wasn't invited, it wasn't my fault this year;) No joke, it was the best and easiest party ever! I still experienced a bit of anxiety over timing of everything, but overall, it was simple. Looking back, I am forever grateful that we celebrated there, largely because I actually remember most of the experience!

Monday, January 21, 2013

First Slumber Party

Adlyr's favorite birthday present was her first sleepover. She had Becca Crane spend the night after her family birthday party. With Gigi's help, the girls had a great time!
Gigi, the "Mama" baby doll, and Adlyr lie in Gigi's bed to watch tv.

The girls love to watch tv with Gigi!

They were supposed to be asleep, but they weren't!